For executives
Want to stay up to date on the latest industry trends and developments impacting the technology and services space? You’re in the right place.
Best Practices for Service Offer Management
Service offer managers are increasingly expected to deliver services revenue growth with a healthy margin.
Offering Management
For executives
Moving from Quality Assurance to Quality Enablement
How is your organization managing the intricacies of process design, governance, and enablement?
Managed Services
For executives
Updating and Optimizing XaaS Product Roadmaps
While XaaS value propositions are different from traditional value propositions, product management practices continue to follow the traditional approach in cloud native and newly transitioned XaaS businesses.
Offering Management
For executives
Why Changing Your Sales Compensation Plan Isn’t Enough
Sales Compensation: Success in LAER requires organizational transformation and development of these critical capabilities.
CRO Council
For executives
Managed Services Eats Everything
Managed XaaS solutions are absolutely unlocking new opportunities for companies to increase overall revenue.
Managed Services
For executives
Manage the Consumption Gap to Drive Customer Growth
Subscription optimizations: Read more about the consumption gap and how to drive customer growth with two possible outcomes.
Customer Growth and Renewal
For executives
Customer Success with Partners
In the past, partners have been the path to successfully deliver products to the emerging geographies, so why not use partners to extend your customer success function to those customers as well?
CRO Council
For executives
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