The Power of Data: A Journey of Transformation and Success
August 31, 2023
min read

The Power of Data: A Journey of Transformation and Success

Data has emerged as a game-changer, capable of reshaping companies from the ground up. The transformative journey it entails might be arduous, but the outcomes it delivers are nothing short of remarkable. At our recent TSIA World Interact 2023 conference, numerous inspiring success stories showcased how data can drive profound organizational changes.

As customer expectations significantly shift, businesses face the challenge of adapting to their new demands. Gone are the days when customers were willing to navigate intricate processes to purchase or renew subscriptions. Simplicity, speed, and efficiency are now the driving forces behind consumer choices. Thankfully, the path to meeting these expectations and revolutionizing businesses lies in leveraging the power of data.

From simplifying complex procedures to enhancing overall efficiency, the impact of data-driven decision-making can truly revolutionize the way businesses operate. So, let’s delve into the potential of data-driven transformations and explore how they empower companies to navigate the changing tides of customer preferences.

Embracing Data-Driven Transformation: A 12-Year Journey of Success

Over the last 12 years, data has proven to be the key to unlocking the transformative potential within organizations. Companies like Dell and Salesforce have embarked on a remarkable journey, utilizing data to streamline and automate their processes, creating an efficient and seamless customer experience. While these initiatives have matured over the years, it’s important to note that they represent only the beginning of a profound and meaningful transformation.

Dell's quest to automate renewals began when available solutions were scarce. In searching for an efficient path forward, they realized that data would be the linchpin. Lou Mabley, senior vice president of support and renewals sales at Dell Technologies, explains, "Our problem was clear—we needed an automated solution. We had to piece everything together, aiming for an automated and integrated global program while reducing operating expenses."

To address the problem, Dell turned to MODintelechy, a data-driven agency specializing in digital customer experiences. Throughout their 12-year journey together, Dell’s notification program evolved significantly. Initially, the challenge was gathering data and recognizing its pivotal role, as highlighted by Scott Thomas, founder and CEO of MODintelechy, at their conference session. Subsequently, they implemented dynamic content to cater to over 40 different countries. By 2018, they expanded their channel, offering strategic and non-strategic tiers. And finally, in 2022, they introduced a revitalized digital experience for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), extending the knowledge to e-commerce and social networking.

An efficient automation system hinges on quality data. Artificial intelligence and machine learning—or “machine intelligence,” as Thomas calls it—are impossible without reliable data. The system “ingests” data from various sources to activate the right platform by the journey’s end.

To learn more about Dell's journey to accelerate revenue automation, check out this report.

The data process to automate renewals at Dell.
The data process to automate renewals at Dell.

Driving Customer Success with Data: Salesforce’s Transformative Approach

In the quest for excellence, Salesforce has been a pioneer in utilizing data to enhance customer loyalty and health outcomes. From the outset, the company set out to tackle attrition and churn via its innovative Early Warning System (EWS). Over time, their focus evolved, shifting toward customer health outcomes and gauging their technology adoption, engagement, and performance.

The Journey Toward Customer Health

Figuring out how to prevent customer attrition and ensure long-term loyalty is a challenge many businesses face. Salesforce took the lead by adopting a progressive approach, starting with basic reporting before advancing to prediction and prescription. By leveraging data insights, they moved beyond merely identifying issues to proactively prescribing solutions.

Fostering Customer Loyalty through Success Plans

Salesforce’s commitment to customer health is evident through the implementation of success plans. These tailored packages offer a range of success resources, ensuring customers are adopting the technology effectively and engaging with it in impactful ways. The result? Boosted Salesforce loyalty, increased average order value (AOV), and reduced attrition rates.

Unveiling the Customer Health Score Input Measures

A pivotal element in Salesforce’s customer-centric model is the customer health score, which relies on data-driven measures. Three core aspects shape this score:

  • Adoption: Assessing how customers utilize Salesforce products to maximize their benefits and optimize workflows. Today, TSIA benchmark data shows that only 33% of businesses have designed their adoption framework telemetry.
  • Engagement: Analyzing customer interactions with various Salesforce services, such as partners and companies, to understand engagement levels.
  • Performance: Evaluating the performance and potential risks of an implementation, giving insights into how customers interact with Salesforce’s services.

The Power of Data Quality

The success of Salesforce’s customer health initiative rests on data quality. To ensure accuracy and reliability, the company invested considerable effort into data cleansing and established robust data governance practices. The result is a solid foundation on which to build the customer health score, a crucial metric for Salesforce’s continued growth and success.

A Consistent and Collaborative Approach

To foster consistency across different business units and regions, Salesforce created a success metrics center of excellence, ensuring uniformity in measuring customer health. Through collaboration and alignment, the company’s commitment to customer success remains unwavering.

Salesforce’s journey in leveraging data to drive customer health and success is a testament to the transformative power of data-driven strategies. By focusing on adoption, engagement, and performance, they continue to enhance customer experiences and foster loyalty. Salesforce is an inspiring example of how data can revolutionize customer relationships and pave the way to continued growth and prosperity.

To learn more about how Salesforce empowers customer success through data-driven insights, read this report.

Transforming customer success at Salesforce.
Transforming customer success at Salesforce.

Embracing a Data-Driven Customer Strategy

Data is a powerful ally in achieving transformation and meeting evolving customer expectations. While the journey may pose challenges, the rewards are undoubtedly worthwhile. Dell and Salesforce have both set the stage as prime examples, showcasing how data can streamline processes, automate renewals, foster customer loyalty, and drive improved outcomes.

However, the key to unlocking this potential lies in data quality. Reliable and accurate data fuels informed decision-making, making robust data governance practices imperative. By investing in data cleansing and establishing a success metrics center of excellence, companies can build a solid foundation for their data-driven initiatives.

Data will continue shaping how businesses operate and engage with their customers. Those who embrace data-driven strategies with a customer-centric approach will undoubtedly gain a competitive edge, paving the way for sustained growth and success.

In summary, Dell and Salesforce’s remarkable journeys over the past 12 years exemplifies the power of data-driven transformation. By embracing data as a strategic asset, businesses can deliver simplified and efficient experiences that resonate with customers in this digital era. The road to change may be long, but the results are undoubtedly worthwhile.

Smart Tip: Embrace Data-Driven Decision Making

Making smart, informed decisions is more crucial than ever. Leveraging TSIA’s in-depth insights and data-driven frameworks can help you navigate industry shifts confidently. Remember, in a world driven by artificial intelligence and digital transformation, the key to sustained success lies in making strategic decisions informed by reliable data, ensuring your role as a leader in your industry.

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